Compressing images



Compress Images


The bitmap images and image resources in a Vectorworks file can be compressed with the JPEG compression method, to save file space. JPEG compression can significantly reduce bitmap image file size, but can result in the loss of fine detail for some images.

A selected bitmap file displays "Bitmap" as the object type at the top of the Object Info palette. A bitmap file may already have had PNG compression applied at import; the Compress Images command changes its compression format to JPEG.

The JPEG compression method can be applied only to selected bitmap images or to all bitmap images in the file. For the best possible reduction in file size, images that have been imported as resources (shown as image resources in the Resource Manager) can also be compressed by the JPEG compression method.

To compress bitmap images:

Select the bitmaps to be compressed.

Select the command.

The Compress Images dialog box opens.

Select whether to Apply JPEG Compression to Selected Bitmap Objects or to Apply JPEG Compression to All. If you are applying compression to all, choose whether to apply the JPEG compression to all bitmap images in the drawing, image resources, or both.

Importing images

Cropping imported images

Tracing bitmaps


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